The Music Labyrinth was a radio program, which ran between July 2020 and May 2024 on Coast FM Community Radio. Each fortnight, with neither plan nor destination in mind, we took a wander through the realm of popular music guided only by one simple (and remarkably flexible) rule: that each song we listen to should have some link, however tenuous, with the previous. The program was broadcast for 123 episodes over that period and provided, if nothing else, an immense sense of pleasure and satisfaction for its creator and presenter 😉.
This page provides an opportunity to catch up on, or revisit, previous episodes of the program. All* previous episodes are available by hovering over “The Music Labyrinth” link at the top of this page (or, on a mobile device, look for the tiny down arrow next to The Music Labyrinth in the menu). Each of the previous episode links above will take you to a page for that particular episode where you will be able to read the explanations that led us from one song to the next. The episode pages also contain links to the Apple Music and Spotify public playlists of the songs played during that particular episode.
*(at the moment “all” is restricted to the first 106 episodes, but I promise to get the remainder of them posted in the near future.)
DON’T FORGET!: Have a look at The Vault! You can access it at the top of this page, under The Music Labyrinth where, if you hover, you will find a link. OR, just click here.